


"Filmed DNA" by Skitch. On Flickr



It's a great era for teaching with digital storytelling. A font of resources exist online, and you'll find links to many of them here.

This is an ongoing project, so check back occasionally for additions.




Film Studies Page Links to useful sites for film analysis, genre studies, etc.



documentary.doc( contains assignment, planner, rubrics)


Video Project.doc

Individual Skills Rubric.doc



FilmmakerIQ:  Interesting blog covering all aspects of film production and analysis.

School Video News:  Excellent magazine for k-12 video production  Wow!  A plethora of information on all aspects of video production.


General Tutorials:

Young Minds Inspired:  AMPAS' teachers' guide/tutorial to various aspects of film production, from lighting to sound to editing and more.

Video 101:  Online tutorial with, miracle of miracles, a reasonably priced educational license that actually inspires you to act legally! Wonderful disussion of lighting, sound, etc.

Rule of Thirds

Fodor's Basic Composition Rules

KidVid:  Basic  how-to (with an online storyboard creator) relating to film production. Probably best for middle school (5-8).

Screen Nation: AFI's student video site.

Media College:  "free educational and resource website for all forms of electronic media. Topics include video & television production, audio work, photography, graphics, web design and more."

VideoMaker Tutorials:  Wonderful collection of video tutorials.  Also look at the :Tips and Tricks" section.

VideoMaker Magazine:  Archives over several years, with interesting how to articles.

Film Riot:  These guys are..well...a riot!  Quick video tips on easy special fx, etc.  You have to sit through ads, but they create them, so they're usually amusing and actually good examples to use with kids.  Occasional language issues so preview first!



POV:  Issue of the film magazine related to various aspects of cinematic storytelling.  Includes useful shot analyses

3 Types of Documentaries:  Tutorial video from Videomaker

Documentary Storytelling:   Video from Videomaker





Secrets of Story-Telling

Creating Characters


Zero Budget Storyboarding:  This is arguably the most important process. Good, quick tutorial video.

Pre-Production When You Just Want to Get Started!

Planning the Shoot 



3 point Lighting 101

3 point lighting: video

Dramatic Lighting

Noir Lighting


Shoot to Edit

Shooting Landscapes (Great if you're doing those wide-open spaces Westerns!)

Green-screen:  Get the basic idea with this game from PBS




Editing 101

Editing 201


Making Your Film Make Sense:  Article on continuity.

7 Steps to a Polished Final Cut

POV:  Issue devoted to aspects of film editing.

The Cutting Edge:  Excellent documentary on the art of film editing.  It's broken down into you-tube sized clips here, but it's only $6 on Amazon, so treat yourself to a copy.


Video Toolbox:  Don't have time to dig?  This is a YouTube channel from Reel Youth, using selected tutorials from VideoMaker


File Conversion:


Media Converter



Documentary Alternatives:

If you don't want to do the whole video thing, you can still engage students in the process and upper-level thinking required for creating a documentary.  Try using:


VoiceThread:  Upload images and add voice commentary.

National Archives Digital Vaults Project:  Click on Continue>Create.  You can choose between creating a multimedia poster or a documentary.  Script, narrate and access primary documents to create an online documentary.



One of these days, I'll do this for a project with my film studies students.  If you don't have time for Stop Motion (and who does!?), try these online tools.






From Wes Fryer:

Digital Movie Making with iMovie

Windows Movie Maker 2 Guide


 iMovie HD tutorial  OK, I know it's old.  But there are STILL good reasons to use iMovie HD  rather than iMovie 09.  Here's a nice tutorial.

Apple's iMovie9 tutorial

Microsoft's MovieMaker tutorials

Final Cut Express 4   Izzy Hyman's excellent tutorial.  Downloadable.


Atomic Learning's Free Video Storytelling Guide ( covers basic video shots and composition rules) 

Atomic Learning Free MovieMaker 2 Tutorial

Atomic Learning Free iMovie 2 Tutorial  (Old, but covers the basics)


BBC Video Tutorials  Tutorials used to train BBC  staff


Sample Documentaries: 

CSPAN: Student Camfilmstudies

Apple Learning Interchange

Watershed:  Great example of documentaries in a science class

Sudanese Refugees  (done by my students in Egypt)


Sample PSA's:

drug abuse

Screen Nation (student examples of all genre, really.  use the search engine)


Image Collections (for study, not use in projects)


Time: Photo essays

Picturing the Century:  National Archives collection

Powers of Persuasion:  Collection of propaganda posters from WW II

Storytelling in Flickr:  Interesting assignments with photos

Flicktion:  use interesting photos to propel storytelling.  Flickr examples.



Audio Resources:

Record and edit sound



Myna (online audio editing in Aviary suite)



Free sound effects

Podsafe Audio (Creative Commons Music)

Freesound:  Creative Commons Music you can download and use.

Jamendo: Creative Commons music

Freeplay Music/Sound Effects  This is free as long as it's for educational, in-class use.  If you plan to publish these to the web, you'll need to contact the company about licensing.

Creative Commons: Audio

Soundsnap Pro for Education:  Special (reasonable!) pricing on quality sound for schools.



Image Resources:



Creative Commons: Video

WideAngle Video Bank

Internet archive

C-Span Classroom



LOC's American Memory Collection

Flickr Creative Commons

Digital Image Sources

LIFE Archive

NPS digital archives

NASA Archives

NOAA photo library

US Government photos and images

NYPL archives on Flickr  especially nice, as they're organized by topic.

AP Photo Archive (from home you'll need the password)


You can also use Google Images to search for use-friendly images.


1) in Google Images, click on Advanced Search.




2)  From the new window, towards the bottom of the page, click the pop=up menu and choose "labeled for re-use".  This should result in images you can use, with appropriate citation, of course!



Informational Sites for Digital Storytelling


Edutopia  (founded by George Lucas)


American Film Institute: Screen Education Center  (affiliated with Discovery Educators network)

British Film Institute Film Education

Media Education Foundation

Center for Media Literacy

DigiTales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories  (Check the Documentary link under "Resources")



Video Hosting:

JayCut (for online collaborative video editing)

GoogleVideo:  Unlimited size, length

YouTube:  Limited to 10 minutes and/or 100 MB

Yahoo!Video:  Limited to 100 MB

Screen Nation 

Drop Shots



International Student Film Festival Hollywood

Fort Lauderdate International Student Film

Truly Moving Pictures

Young Minds/Digital Times



Media Resources:

Reel Action:  Teen media site listing resources and hosting 
Listen UP! "Listen Up! is a youth media network that connects young video producers and their allies to resources, support, and projects in order to develop 
  the field and achieve an authentic youth voice in the mass media."
Youth Channel:  Media for youth, by youth. Includes educational materials as well as student-created media.
New Mexico Media Literacy Foundation
Paper Tiger Television:  Grass roots media organization
Digital Storytelling:  Joe Brennan's excellent informational blog on the DEN site
Digital Storytelling 2.0:  David Jakes' collection of useful sites
British Film Institute:Education
FlickSchool:  Podcasts by Marco Torres, amazing educator and digital storyteller in San Francisco  (also runs SFett)
150+ Online Video Tools
Digital Storytelling Links












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